About the Local Chapter Initiative
This initiative to create a « local chapter » of the Complex Systems Society is intended, among other things, to promote complex systems research (pure and applied) at national level, and to create links between the various French complex systems research centers (a role formerly fulfilled by the Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes).
It is supported by numerous French researchers and major research centers in complex systems, including ISC-PIF and IXXI, who were instrumental in the creation of the Complex Systems Society in 2004.
In the same way as the local chapters already established within the Complex Systems Society (North-Eastern Local Chapter (US), Italian Local Chapter and Spanish Local Chapter), the French Local Chapter will contribute to the international visibility of French research on complex systems.
Nov. 2023
The Société Française des Systèmes Complexes is born !
The Société Française des Systèmes Complexes has been created as an association under the French law 1901. This structure will handle the administrative part of the actions of the Local Chapter. As all other local chapters, its acronym is CSS/France
Oct. 2023
Labellisation as the French Local Chapter of CSS
The initiative has been labelled as a Local chapter by the Complex Systems Society at CCS 2023 on Oct. 2023.
Oct. 2023
Jan. 2023
Bootstrap general assembly
General Assembly held to define the first by-law of the future local chapter and elect an executive committee of 12 scholars representative of French Complex Systems Research
June 2022
French Conference on Complex Systems
Conférence Française des Systèmes Complexes
This conference has been organized by founding members of the French Chapter of the Complex Systems Society in order to gather the community and announce the initiative.
Following a brainstorming session, it has been decided among all the participants to have a bootstrap General Assembly to initiate the project of a Local Chapter of CSS.
June 2022
Oct. 2021
Brainstorming and information workshop at CSS 2021, Lyon, France